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Income Statement (Yr 1-5)

Start Up Expenses

Salaries & Benefits

Income Statement Charts

Financial transparency is essential in gaining external capital and diminishing the cost of capital due to it curtailing risks from lack of available information or uncertain information. Sharing information with employees will also foster a sense of ownership and commitment.


To support financial transparency to potential investors, stakeholders, and future employees, the following include Urban Mist’s: potential income statement for the first 5 years of business, charted growth over the next 5 years, start-up expenses in December 2013, and 5 year salaries and benefits of current and potential employees. These financials represent one aeroponic farm in the first year, the expansion of that farm, and the building of more farms over the next 5 years. The size of the farms will depend on the size of the roof. In the first year, Urban Mist will partner with the University of California, San Francisco. As a tester, the farm will occupy 1000 square feet of the campus roof. Over time, the farm will grow as UCSF demand increases. 



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